Agile | Leadership | Coaching

Hi, I’m Mar­cus. I’m con­vinced that ele­phants can dance. And I have a dream.

I have a dream that one day, the econ­o­my will serve peo­ple and life and not vice versa.

As an agile coach, cor­po­rate rebel, cul­tur­al engi­neer, con­sul­tant, train­er, and speak­er, I guide com­pa­nies on their jour­ney to greater agili­ty and human(e) liveliness.

Since 2010, I have been writ­ing on my blog about lead­er­ship, new work, agili­ty, and many oth­er top­ics. This result­ed in my book “Man­i­festo for Humane Leadership”

Just Released

In a world in which it is “nor­mal that many things have become dif­fer­ent and are becom­ing more dif­fer­ent faster and faster,” as the busi­ness edu­ca­tion teacher and time researcher Karl­heinz A. Geißler apt­ly put it, the role of lead­er­ship is, at the very least, up for discussion.

Lead­er­ship is not about you and your ego but mak­ing oth­ers suc­cess­ful. For Götz W. Wern­er, lead­er­ship was only legit­i­mate in enabling self-lead­er­ship. Lead­er­ship is an atti­tude, not a posi­tion. This book describes this atti­tude and the prin­ci­ples of new, agile, dig­i­tal, and, above all, humane leadership.

Dive In

Grad­ual fab­ri­ca­tion of thoughts while writing. 

Since 2010.