A Big Little Miracle

The new decade could not have start­ed bet­ter. After Marie and Ella, our lives were blessed with anoth­er big lit­tle mir­a­cle last night. Over­whelmed, speech­less and incred­i­bly proud I look at our lit­tle Valentin and sim­ply say: Kathrin, I love you! 

Who­ev­er says there are sev­en won­ders in this world has nev­er expe­ri­enced the birth of a child. Who­ev­er says wealth is every­thing has nev­er seen a child smile. Who­ev­er says that this world can no longer be saved has for­got­ten that chil­dren mean hope.

Hon­oré de Balzac
Wel­come, Valentin!

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Robert N. Copelan 5. January 2020 Reply

Awe­some, con­grat­u­la­tions to you, Kathrin, your daugh­ters and son. The quote is real­ly rel­e­vant these days, even for those of us who don’t have chil­dren. It reminds us that as Lead­ers, even in times of eco­nom­ic reduc­tions or trans­for­ma­tion of an indus­try, we must not for­get that our focus is on enabling the gen­er­a­tions younger than our­selves to learn and achieve their dreams/passions. In doing so we help our com­pa­nies to do the same. Not the oth­er way around.

Marcus Raitner 5. January 2020 Reply

Thanks a lot, Robert! I have cho­sen the quote for exact­ly this rea­son. Peter Druck­er once stat­ed that lead­er­ship always has to go beyond the walls of the organization.

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